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发表于 2005-6-12 14:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
今天中午有人在 妙吉祥社区上发帖说广论有漏译!是在<STRONG>卷五部分,“朵垅巴亦云:‘若有观慧而正观察,如于险坡放掷线团,与法渐远。’”</STRONG>其人言此句应为:“<STRONG>朵垅巴亦云:‘若有观慧而<FONT color=#ff0000>无<FONT color=#000000>观察如于险坡放掷线团,与法渐远。</FONT></FONT><FONT color=#000000>’</FONT></STRONG>”并要求转载注明是他发现的。所以,我特此而为。望格鲁修学社区各位前辈、大德对此事指正。
发表于 2005-6-19 06:25 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT face=宋体>&nbsp;<B>查英文版广论</B></FONT> <P><FONT face="隶书,宋体,verdana, arial, helvetica">Volume one Page 249~250 <BR>Also, Bo-do-wa, who quotes this teaching as seen in the Garland of Birth Stories, asserts that you must examine your mind. As it says in the Garland of Birth Stories: 432 <BR>From the sky to the earth is a long way.(天与地隔得远) <BR>From the distant shore of the ocean to the closest edge is also a lone way.(海岸与其最近的边界亦相隔甚远) <BR>From the mountains of the east to the mountains of the west is an even longer way.(群山的东与西则更远) <BR>But from the ordinary (person) to the sublime teaching is longer yet than that. (194)(但凡夫与庄严正法教相差较前三者为最远) <BR>This verse says that a great gulf exists between us, ordinary people, and the teaching(此颂说凡夫与正法教相差甚远). This verse is a teaching that the gift-bearing brahmin Subhasita explained to the bodhisattva prince Candra after the prince had offered one thousand gold coins to him. <BR>Moreover, Do-lung-ba said: <BR>If someone who knew how to examine our mind-stream were to do so, that person would soon find something that had gone quite far from the teaching- like sending a ball of thread down a steep incline. <BR>朵垅巴亦云:若人有观慧而正观察自己的心相续,亦复如是。其人不久会发现,(自己的心相续)与正法教相差甚远,就如在险坡放掷线团。 <BR>以上中文根据广论英文版译出,美国雪狮出版社(Snow Lion)出版。广论英文版为藏文直接翻译为英文。同修在中文版阅读有问题时,不妨对照英文版广论,英文版广论意思浅显,一目了然。 <BR>鄙人陋见,仅供参考。</FONT></P>
发表于 2005-6-22 09:42 | 显示全部楼层
<P>英文版广论下载地址:</P><P><A href=""></A> </P><P>username: geluorg <BR>password: geluorg<BR></P><P>在vol1, vol2, vol3目录夹中都是,对应与广论英文版的三册。</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-12 16:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-6-12 15:00 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-12 22:49 | 显示全部楼层
<P>我再转贴几张 妙吉祥那边才发的帖子:</P><P><FONT face=Verdana>这一段在这里: <BR>又博朵瓦则引此《本生论》文观察相续,如云:“虚空与地中隔远,大海彼此岸亦远,东西二山中尤远,凡与正法远于彼。”此说我等凡庸与法,二者中间如彼诸喻,极相隔远。此颂是月菩萨从持善说婆罗门前,供千两金,所受之法。朵垅巴亦云:“若有观慧而正观察,如于险坡放掷线团,与法渐远。” <BR>从上下文意来看,并非漏译,而是理解有错误。这里并非说观察慧的重要,而是说经过观察慧来观察,就会发觉我们的相续离正法其实是很远的。如果加上无字,就错误了,这里就是说通过观察,才能知道自己离正法就像“险坡放掷线团,与法渐远。” <BR></FONT><FONT face="隶书,宋体,verdana, arial, helvetica"><BR></FONT></P>
发表于 2005-6-26 06:35 | 显示全部楼层
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