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发表于 2020-7-5 13:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   严定法师,俗家姓郑名寿昌,1902年10月出生于湖南长沙。少年时因体弱多病,在山寺中疗养,对寺僧生活和佛学有了一些了解,产生了出家为僧的想法。1919年遂在长沙开福寺剃度出家,取法名严定。后转赴武昌佛学院,从太虚法师学佛。1923年,到北京进汉藏文学院学习藏文。1926年,参加大勇法师组织的留藏学法团,十年间在西藏钻研了大量的佛学经典。1935年,严定回到四川,先后在北碚世界佛学苑汉藏教理院、四川大学文学院任职和讲学。1941年4月,还专程到荣昌讲经,受到听众的欢迎。1942年10月,被公推为“十方丛林宝城学寺”的主持,遂长期生活在荣昌,为弘扬佛教教义、培养佛学人才,贡献不小的心血。他主张“舍己利人是功,损人利己是罪”,严定和太虚法师都被佛教界视为“革新派”。严定学识渊博,能诗能文。宝城寺前,曾建有一座精美的碑坊,上面刊刻有他撰写的一副对联:“道在此中求,城西古寺数声钟,心底顿忘名利;禅从何处悟,廓外清溪千里月,眼前一片空明。”这副对联,从宗教内容看,很切合宗教徒毕生追求的精神境界;从艺术角度看,语言明畅。对仗工稳,寓情于景,情景交融,确实称得上一副名联,所以至今还受到人们的赞赏。严定在 1953年,被四川文史馆聘为研究员,1954年逝世于荣昌。

Yándìng 嚴定 (1903-1957) taught Tibetan language and Tibetan Buddhism 西密 in China in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s.
Yándìng 嚴定 was born in Liúyáng County 瀏陽縣, Hú'nán 湖南. He was tonsured and received full ordination at a local temple after he graduated in from high school in 1921 (Mínguó 民國 10). The year of his ordination, he enrolled in a lecture studies series at Kāifú Temple 開福寺 in Chángshā 長沙, which was run by Kōngyě 空也. While in this program Yándìng became friends with one of his fellow students named Guānkōng 觀空. The two would study, travel, and teach together for more than a decade. The following year the pair enrolled in the first class at the Wǔchāng Buddhist Seminary 武昌佛學院 and graduated in 1924.
After graduating, Yándìng traveled with Fǎzūn 法尊, Guānkōng 觀空, and Fǎfǎng 法舫 to Běijīng 北京 where they became part of the first (and only) class at the nascent Buddhist Tibetan Language College 藏文學院 started by Dàyǒng 大勇. Classes began in October of 1924. In May of 1925 the students and teachers became the Residing-in-Tibet Dharma Studies Group 留藏學法團 and began to prepare to travel to Tibet. The group reached Xīkāng 西康, but most, including Yándìng, never made it to Tibet. In 1934 he was invited by Tàixū 太虛 to teach at the Sino-Tibetan Institute 漢藏教理院 in Chóngqìng 重慶. Yándìng became the Chair of the Tibetan Language Department at the school.
Yándìng eventually became the abbot of Bǎochéng Temple 寶城寺 in Róngchāng County 榮昌縣 (west of Chóngqìng). He died there in 1957.
  • Yú Língbō 于凌波, ed. Xiàndài Fójiào rénwù cídiǎn 現代佛教人物辭典 (A Dictionary of Modern Buddhist Persons), 2 vols. Taipei: Foguang, 2004. P. 2.1748a-c.

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