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发表于 2012-2-17 19:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-2-18 08:31 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-2-18 08:33 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
qingquai 发表于 2012-2-17 18:39

发表于 2012-2-18 09:34 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-2-18 10:34 | 显示全部楼层
Oh my Buddha!!!
发表于 2012-2-18 10:37 | 显示全部楼层
了了 发表于 2012-2-17 11:30
似乎去年他的'修伴'己离他而去, 而他也不再穿僧服了吧? ...

发表于 2012-2-18 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-2-18 10:42 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 噶瑪敦珠寧波 于 2012-2-18 10:42 编辑
似水流年 发表于 2012-2-17 15:53


发表于 2012-2-18 10:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-2-18 11:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 噶瑪敦珠寧波 于 2012-2-18 11:54 编辑
magearcher 发表于 2012-2-18 10:40

发表于 2012-2-18 11:57 | 显示全部楼层
可怕!祈求在利益和各种诱惑面前 我永远都别当那样的人。
发表于 2012-2-18 12:27 | 显示全部楼层
fxbhy 发表于 2012-2-18 08:33

发表于 2012-2-18 12:38 | 显示全部楼层
炽燃 发表于 2012-2-18 10:48
大约十年前吧,那本《当和尚遇到钻石》中文版非常流行的时候 ...

《当和尚遇到钻石》不好看, 但他另一本写龙树法称 etc.的叫什么花园的倒很有文学味内容也很好看...
发表于 2012-2-18 13:28 | 显示全部楼层
披发头陀 发表于 2012-2-18 13:02

Lama Zopa Rinpoche, sent him a letter:

"Dear Geshe Michael,

If your conduct will be the way you explained in the letter then it will not be normal from the monasteries point of view or according to the monasteries point of view. Where the need is more important than what is to abandoned, along with that one should be able to perform other miracle powers, show control or freedom like Milarepa or like any of those yogi’s such as Dukpa Kunleg. Then, in this way, people can see the realizations and power and so devotion grows in them. Even they have mistaken appearance, people see their special qualities of showing control and high realizations , in this way seeing the mistakes does not destroy peoples faith and instead they see only qualities.

Gelongma Palmo in order to destroy the heresy of the people of the city who believed she had broken her vows and to inspire them and bring them to enlightenment, she cut off her head and put it on a spear and danced in space and said “if it is true that I am not pure, not a fully ordained nun then my head should not come back, if it is true that I

am pure then my head should come back”. Then her head came back on her body, like before, and that proved to the people in the city, the words of the truth. The head from the spear came back to her body as before, so everybody in the city completely believed that she did not have any mistakes and is pure, destroying all their wrong views and

heresy and this caused them to have incredible devotion to her.

Just to clarify I don’t mean you have to be enlightened to do that kind of conduct. It might seem that way from the story. All it means is having high realizations and showing to others through external miracle powers.

By showing miracle powers then other people can generate devotion and non heresy. By seeing the miracle power, something external, then they can have faith in high realizations, seeing that you have control and you are free and whatever conduct you do does not have the stain of samsara.

If one performs those behaviors to develop people’s devotion then it is not just an ordinary miracle that is needed, one needs to do a special kind of miracle, for example the6th DL pee-ed from the top of the Potala and just before the urine hit the ground he drew it back again inside his vajra. Also there is the story of the previous incarnation of Gonsar Rinpoche who pulled in mud through his vajra.

With much love and prayers,

Lama Zopa"

Even the Office of H.H. DL sent him a letter:

"Dear Rev. Michael Roach,

This is to thank you for your letter. We have gone through your long explanation but still do not support your coming to

DharmXala. If you have reached the path of seeing, as you claim in your letter, you should then be able show extraordinary powers and perform miracles like the Siddhas of the past. Only then will the followers of Tibetan Buddhists be able to believe and accept your claims. Otherwise, as His Holiness the DL is the Spiritual and XXX leader of XXX, having responsibility over the welfare of Tibetan Buddhism many have often complained to Him that He should be strict with those who are not adhering to the general norms of discipline according to our tradition. And your coming to DharmXala will be seen by many as His Holiness condoning your behavior and practice.

In view of all these we advise you not to visit DharmXala in the greater interest of the purity of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. However, as for the other members of your group those who are interested are welcome to attend the teachings of His Holiness the DL.

Tenzin Geyche Tethong

Secretary to H.H.

Office of H.H.

发表于 2012-2-18 13:34 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 噶瑪敦珠寧波 于 2012-2-18 13:36 编辑
披发头陀 发表于 2012-2-18 13:02

New York Post 紐約郵報

Monk-y Business: Controversial NYC guru Michael RoachMichael Roach, a controversial Buddhist monk, lost his "spiritual partner" to another man—and started partying and dressing in Armani suits. Now his flock is struggling to keep the faith. By Beth Landman

"Some people are turned off by my robes," (inset) says Michael, who favors sharp suits when giving talks to businesspeople or hitting the clubs.
Last November, Mia*, a comely thirtysomething yoga instructor at a studio downtown, got a strange phone call. Geshe Michael Roach, an ordained Buddhist monk and guru to many in the Union Square spirituality scene, was in town. He wanted to hang out that night with her and some of her other yogi friends, but he didn't want to talk chakras or do vinyasas. He wanted to hit the clubs.

Later that evening, Mia met up with the 57-year-old monk at Cielo, a hip club in the Meatpacking District known for its house beats and tough velvet rope. He wasn't wearing his usual flowing monastic robes. "It was the strangest thing," recalls Mia. "He was in this Armani suit and with a model, and he was now saying that everyone should dress up"—strange indeed, given that thousands of years of tradition dictate that Buddhist monks live spartan, celibate lives.

With his heavily lined face and thin graying hair brushing his shoulders, the guru didn't quite blend with the Cielo scene, though he did his best, boogying down with a young Chanel-clad Russian girl. Erin Vaughan, another yoga teacher there that night, was shocked. "He was on the dance floor, and there was nothing enlightened about it," she says.

Geshe Michael and ex-partner Christie speak to followers at an Arizona church.
With an unorthodox approach to finding enlightenment—Geshe Michael encourages his followers to couple up with spiritual partners and never stray more than 30 feet from each other—he has always moved to his own beat. But after his own spiritual partner left him last summer for a younger man, he started to behave oddly, and now even some of his most loyal devotees are having trouble following his moves.

A Princeton grad, Michael Roach came to Buddhism after his mother's death from breast cancer left him devastated. "It sort of destroyed me,'' he remembers. "I kept wondering what the meaning of life was, and I went to India to look for answers. In those days you could go to the DL's house and knock on his door." He was ordained as a monk in 1983 and then spent another 12 years studying Tibetan Buddhism to earn the title of geshe, one of only a few Westerners to do so. While studying for the geshe degree, Michael also amassed a personal fortune working in the diamond business, the vast majority of which, he says, he gave away to aid Tibetan refugees. In 1996 he cofounded Three Jewels, a dharma, meditation and yoga center in the East Village. The following year, he met Christie McNally, a young blonde two years out of NYU and 20 years his junior. Geshe Michael recalls their first meeting with a mythic reverence. "A beautiful rainbow came out," he says.

She came to him as a student, but their relationship quickly blossomed into much more. The two became spiritual partners, vowing never to be more than 15 feet apart. They spent three years, from 2000 to 2003, living together in an Arizona yurt on a silent retreat, their relationship a secret. Soon after, they went public, flying in the face of tradition and prompting outcry.

The DL shunned Michael for his unorthodox practices.
His friend Professor Robert Thurman, father of actress Uma Thurman and a former monk, begged Michael to renounce his monastic vows and stop wearing robes. Michael declined, and the two stopped speaking. The DL refused to see him when he traveled to India with a group of students in 2006. Despite such harsh criticism, Geshe Michael continued to live with Christie, though he says he's been celibate since he was 22. Of course, his definition of celibacy differs from the norm.

"We are not allowed to have sex, but in yoga there are practices that involve joining with a partner,'' he explains. "They are secret, and you are not allowed to disclose them. You might think of them as sex, but their purpose is to move inner energy. It takes very strict training. There would be penetration, but no release of semen." Sex or no sex, the two developed a unique bond, and their unorthodox message attracted thousands of followers around the world, including in New York and Arizona—where in 2004, they founded an unaccredited Buddhist University and retreat center called Diamond Mountain. When they spoke at St. Bartholomew's Church on the Upper East Side in 2007, some 800 New Yorkers came out to hear their talk on spiritual partnerships. They gave countless lectures, wrote half a dozen books together and helped couple off hundreds of followers into intensely close partnerships like their own. It was a relationship of mythical proportions, but that didn't mean it would last forever.

Last summer Christie left Geshe Michael for another man. Ian Thorson, a young student who had once served as the couple's attendant and delivered them food and robes, had come between them. After nearly a decade of eating off the same plate, reading the same book and never leaving one another's sight, the couple's spiritual partnership came to a dramatic end. Now both Geshe Michael and his followers are devastated and questioning what, and whom, they believe in.

Michael and Christie in the Arizona desert in 2005.
"Everything is going into chaos. It's all exploding," says Erin, who's close to many of his followers. "People are switching partners, and some are leaving him." Christie has fled into silent retreat (where she was at press time and unavailable for comment), most likely with Ian at her side, while Geshe Michael has been hitting the clubs with the Russian blonde. He's also been seen around town holding hands with a yoga instructor. He's even talking about starting a line of women's dresses adorned with synthetic diamonds. According to Mia, the guru has also been telling his followers that "everyone should dress up and look beautiful—it was the opposite of how he usually speaks." More accurately, it seems to be the opposite of how he used to speak. Other followers have noted that Geshe Michael seems to be espousing different beliefs, preaching that looking good and dressing well can help attract more followers. "It certainly has created confusion," sighs Bengal Shyam, a 28-year-old follower.
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